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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • viale cassala 36 20143 | MIlano | MI Phone/Mobile Number: 02499881 - Fax: 02499883
  • Info@primeweb.it


PrimeWeb is the digital agency and core business of Marketing Multimedia Group.
The company can count on a team of highly qualified professionals and on a deep understanding of technology that arises from over 20 years of experience.
PrimeWeb offers cutting edge solutions for the development of company web sites, web applications, e-commerce, marketing database management, DEM and Newsletter management.
Through a counseling approach, PrimeWeb offers highly scalable and customizable solutions to best fit our clients' needs.