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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano

4Dem.it - Email e Sms marketing

  • Corso San Martino 1 10122 | Torino | Torino Phone/Mobile Number: 011-7653100 - Fax: 011-19837035
  • Paolo Paccassoni


4Dem.it since 10 years is the professional solution for Email and Sms marketing without any bandwidth limits, with over 3000 active users in Italy and abroad. A young Direct Marketing Company with an advanced platform, tools for Marketing Automation, Statistics and Segmentation of the target, that allow you to:

Improve your business results Strenghten relationship with current customers Better involve potential customers with customized communications Save time and dedicate to more important activitiesSuccess of 4Dem.it comes from and extreme ease of use and powerful tool as the drag&drop editor DRAGO to create beautiful campaigns; marketing automation features to improve the customer engagement (Welcome message, abandoned cart management, customized communications and lead nurturing features).

4Dem.it is a partner at first and a service provider secondarily. Our customers choose us everyday for the constant innovation on the console, the speed of response to their technical and commercial needs, thanks to our experience in this market for over 10 years.


Over 3000 active users from Italy and abroad.
Company using 4Dem.it are big and small national and multinational firms.
Among them: Lavazza, Ferrero, Audi Zentrum Alessandria, Astidental, E.n.a.i.p, Università popolare di Torino, Università popolare di Roma