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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • Calle López de hoyos 135 28002 | Madrid | Madrid Phone/Mobile Number: +39 02/94756958 - Fax: +39 02/94756958
  • Renzo Cola


Doofinder is a search engine application for your ecommerce business. Doofinder allows you to display all your products or the contents of your website. Moreover both of these can be combined.Thanks to our algortithm, our clients have access to the best internal search engine, minimizing spelling and typographical errors in the search process. Furthermore, our control panel allows every client to create marketing opportunities through the synonyms system, banners and the ranking of results.


ARENA (http://www.arenawaterinstinct.com)TOYSCENTER (http://www.toyscenter.it)MOTOGP (http://store.motogp.com)MEDIAMARKT (http://www.mediamarkt.es)DECATHLONPRO (http://www.decathlonpro.fr)