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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • Via Industria, 44 15121 | Alessandria | AL Phone/Mobile Number: 0131349114 - Fax: 01311821156
  • Marco Casetta


Gsped is an online delivery technology platform designed to manage every logistics activity. It can be easily connected to the most widely used e-commerce platforms and to every ERP.

The Gsped platform can:
  • create and print waybills to be used by couriers, carriers and haulage companies
  • monitor the progress of all shipments from a single interface, regardless of the courier
  • manage collections, returns and drop-shippings
  • manage undelivered shipments
  • monitor remittances on cash-on-delivery payments
  • pick the least expensive or most efficient courier for each delivery
  • audit couriers invoices
  • send e-mail or SMS messages for each delivery status update (departed, delivering, delivered, undelivered, etc)
  • provide pick and pack service for shipments, also using portable devices
  • monitor orders fulfillment


IBS.it, Eataly Net, Lovli, Gabel Industria Tessile, Niente Paura, PVS, Excantia, Fastbook, Pepe, Opportunity, Emmelibri, Eletk Group, Mondial Group, Fiodor e-business, Gieffe Racing Parts, Mascheroni, Demo Elettroforniture, MediaKing, Libro di Faccia.