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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • viale Marconi 30/14 48018 | Faenza | Ravenna Phone/Mobile Number: 0546066100 - Fax: 0546399913
  • Claudia Temeroli


MagNews is a company that specializes in Digital Direct Marketing
Since 2000, we developed a proprietary technology platform for the creation and management of multi-channel campaigns supported by a team of web marketing experts and analysts that deals with custom projects regarding:

MagNews supports companies that have an Ecommerce with Advanced Email Marketing Automation solutions that automate and customize communications, save time and increase sales. It is possible:

- Integrate external systems with email marketing platform (es. Magento and Prestashop)
- Integrate communications on different marketing channels (email, SMS, website, social) to reach the user at the right time
- Make profiling survey and customer satisfaction enriching the contact information
- Create more personalized communications based on contact information, their buying behavior and preferences Increase customer lifetime value, boost up selling and cross selling actions.
- Analyze the data and always have the precise pulse of conversions, to know in real time the progress of their actions and reschedule the strategy

Full Service

Technology is not the only thing that gives value to your investment in email marketing, but also consulting, planning, experience, customization.

Creative Design

We have a creative team that can design original concepts for you and prepare content to support your communication strategy.


We can work side by side with you during the process of understanding to who, what and when to communicate, supporting you in the decision-making process through benchmark analysis based on your business model.

System Integration

Before you implement any marketing strategy, it is necessary to take into account the technological infrastructures that are already present in the company, and consider a possible integration between systems. The strength of our team is the ability to create custom design solutions that take into account your current resources and what your future needs are.


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