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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • Piazza della Rena 2 39012 | Merano | BZ Phone/Mobile Number: +39 02 45075238 - Fax: +39 02 36215540
  • Marino Caucci


FACT-Finder is the market-leading search,navigation and merchandising solution for eCommerce. Omikron's error-tolerant search is language-independent and is currently used in more than 1300 websites internationally. Using FACT-Finder, online shops can achieve a search related sales increase up to +33% (depending on the range of products), and a conversion rate increase of up to 25%. FACT-Finder handles spelling and typographical mistakes, exchanged word ordering, and alternate forms, leading customers directly to the desired product. FACT-Finder is based on intelligent algorithms for an error-tolerant search and a complete optimization of the product result pages, through rankings and automatic sorting. You can monitor and control every feature with a user friendly graphic interface. The search system is scalable and able to fit the needs of every online store. The system is "out-of-the-box" for all languages, scripts and fonts. FACT-Finder fits easily to your shop, directly or through one of the many existing interfaces for the most popular eCommerce platforms.


LaFeltrinelli.it, IBS, Leroy Merlin, Patrizia Pepe, Eataly, Buffetti, Privategriffe, Sportler, Profumerie Limoni, RCS, Online store, Bon Prix, Ufficio Discount and many more.