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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano

Shopping Feed

  • 9 rue de la Gare, 94230 | Cachan | Île-de-France Phone/Mobile Number: 0039 02 8295 0303 - Fax: +33 01 80 87 61 75


SHOPPING FEED was founded in 2010. It is specialized in distributinge-merchants' product catalogues on market places, comparison sites or affiliation platforms in Italy and internationally.
Our mission is to monitor compliance of our clients' catalogue feed to ensure efficient circulation. Thanks to our expertise in product catalogue distribution, we are perfectly able to identify different platforms' requirements in terms of the attributesto enter for optimal online presence and undeniable time savings.The Shopping Feed back-office is designed for intuitive use of the different menus and automatically escalates orders, constantly updates stock levels and also provides an activity dashboard (turnover, results,sales, costs, etc.) so you can improve your competitive edge and manage your strategy optimally.