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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • Via Sassari 3 09123 | Cagliari | CA Phone/Mobile Number: 070 7040050 - Fax: 070 7040058


Value your business through the voice to the customers

Zoorate is a specialized provider of Social Commerce and Word of Mouth Marketing solutions.

Zoorate’s main solution, Feedaty, allows brands and online retailers to put customers at the center of their strategy, engaging them, interacting with them, collecting their conversations and leveraging on user generated content to increase brand reputation, grow confidence, accelerate and achieve higher results and improve their business performances.

Combining technology, services and high level know how in ICT, e-commerce, business and digital marketing, Feedaty is the perfect tool for companies aiming to increase their business performances through an effective management of their most important asset: their customers.

’s features include tools for the collection, management and distribution of user generated contents (such as Customer Feedbacks, Ratings and Reviews), mechanisms to integrate contents in the most valuable channels to reach customers (corporate website, search engines, social networks, corporate communication) and sophisticated Analytics platforms to transform the collected information into actions to bring real and tangible value to the business.

Provided as a Cloud Software, Feedaty helps companies to achieve important business results.


Mondadori, Diadora, Hoepli, Sky Italia, Fasterprint, Twin-set