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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • Via Felice Casati 1/A 20124 | Milano | Mi Phone/Mobile Number: 0290090634 - Fax: 02700563712
  • Chiara Baggini


7Pixel - a Gruppo MutuiOnline company- is the leading price comparison company in the Italian market and one of the main players of e-commerce in the Spanish one. The company owns and runs comparison price engines like Trovaprezzi.it, Shoppydoo.it, Drezzy.it, and marketplaces such as Kirivo.it and Misshobby.com. In Spain the firm is well established and operates successfully in the e-commerce field with Encuentraprecios.es, Shoppydoo.es and Drezzy.es.
Founded in 2002 7Pixel set up a specific working environment based on respect, quality and environmental sustainability


3000 e-shops are already working with 7Pixel, among them Redcoon, ePrice, Amazon, Zalando, MediaWorld, Trony, Euronics, Stockisti and many more.