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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • C/o Innovation Building - Via Spallanzani 23 52100 | Arezzo | Ar Phone/Mobile Number: 0575489663 - Fax: 0575489663
  • Gian Mario Infelici


Adabra is a web platform that boost the performance of each website.

Based on learning machine, the proprietary algorithms allow thanks to a sophisticated architecture of artificial intelligence to optimize communication by increasing the roi, page views, leads and sales

Adabra offers visitors a personalized and enjoyable shopping experience analyzing their behavior and showing the most relevant products for each user.

How is this all possible?
The Adabra platform uses a set of proprietary technologies collecting data from multiple sources. The Data from these channels, are collected, aggregated and normalized to use them.

These are Data concerning the actions performed by the users while browsing your web site, the information on your catalog, the users’ interactions with advertising channels on which you are investing, and much more.

Thanks to its specific technology Adabra follows the customer:

-on each channel (cross-channel)
-and through each device (cross device)

Offering a logical experience throughout the entire journey.

Adabra offers a set of modules that automate the engagement user activities:
-Web Site personalization: behavioral messages, product recommendations
-Trigger: Email, SMS, push notification, Facebook Push notifications custom audience
-Customer Service: tools to assist the customer-care operators
-Off-Line: interaction with CRm, cash registers

Adabra proposes plugins for the most popular e-commerce platforms but it’s also structured to offer perfect level of integration with custom platforms.

Adabra is fully part of the most important platforms of Marketing Automation, User Experience Personalization, trigger actions, and Predictive Advertising