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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • 1100 av des Canadens de Montreal H3B 2S2 | Montreal | Canada Phone/Mobile Number: +1 514 398 0999 - Fax: +1 514 398 0999
  • Emilie Tisseau


Orckestra offers commerce solutions to mid-size and enterprise retailers through a single platform that drives unified customer experiences online and in-store. The Orckestra Commerce Cloud, removes the barriers between legacy systems and customer touchpoints through a centralized Commerce OrchestrationTM architecture. Our solutions are agile to scale for success and fuel innovation in a digital and mobile-first world.


Sports Experts Mary Kay Giant Eagle Stanley Black&Decker Lyondellbasell Sobeys (IGA, Thrifty Foods...) Mondou Carrefour