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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • via Caselli 11/B 44124 | Ferrara | Ferrara Phone/Mobile Number: +390532977290 - Fax: +390532977633
  • Luca Bertelli


Pronesis Srl was founded in year 2000 and has been since then focused in developing, managing and promoting conversion oriented websites.
Hundreds of digital projects for small and large businesses were successfully developed.
We are able to make real your e-commerce vision and requirements, following industry standards and best practices.
Integration with existing management software and professional web marketing activities are the main keys to a successful e-commerce project.

Our services:
Online competitors analysis Strategic consulting Customized e-commerce planning, design and development Multi-channel and retail solutions Enterprise management software integration Web marketing (SEO, PPC, paid advertising, social media, brand awareness) Conversion optimization (based on persuasion principles, neuromarketing, behavioral psychology, data analysis) Social media and digital PR consulting


Slam Jam Socialim www.slamjamsocialism.com, Design Republic www.designrepublic.com, Penn Rich Italia www.penn-rich.com, Threedifferent www.threedifferent.com, Dep srl www.deponline.com