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18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano

Mark Up

  • Via Eritrea, 21 20157 | Milano | Mi Phone/Mobile Number: 0292984 - Fax: 0292984


MARK UP is the magazinespokesman of the instances of the representatives of the systemPRODUCTION-RETAIL-CONSUMPTIONS.The magazine gives space to current events, theplayers in the industry, thebrand, the marketing community.Many sections make up themagazine, Opinionisti, Cover Story and the section Prima Fila ,where we analyze the economicand political changes that influence the consumption and the sales in Italy andEurope.MARK UP Lab , with its Observatoriesdesigned and made exclusively.The section Marketing &Consumi with news and trends from the world of marketing, marketresearch, the new generation ofCRM, the world of digital and social marketing, analysis of newconsumers as the seriesmillenians lab.I Protagonisti , with thecompanies of the consumer and retail area told through their marketingand innovation strategies.I Quaderni di MARK UP insights on vertical market sectors and technology on which there isparticular ferment in terms ofinnovation.Finally, MARK UP realizes eachyear UNIQUE issues to be collected, suche as FRUTTA EVERDURA and ITALIAN FOODEXCELLENCE in english language in order to bring the culture ofthe “buying Italian” outsidethe country.