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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • Corso Francia 110 10143 | Torino | TO Phone/Mobile Number: +39 011 7711594 - Fax: +39 011 7495416
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Reply is a company that specialises in Consulting, Systems Integration and Digital Services with a focus on the conception, design and implementation of solutions based on the new communication channels and digital media. Reply partners with key industrial groups in defining and developing business models made possible by the new technological and communication paradigms such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, Digital Communication, Internet of Things, Mobile and Social Networking. In so doing, it aims to optimise and integrate processes, applications and devices.

Reply’s offer is aimed at fostering the success of its customers through the introduction of innovation along the whole economic digital chain. Given its knowledge of specific solutions and due to a consolidated experience, Reply addresses the main core issues of the various industrial sectors.

Reply’s offer covers three areas of competence:

– for Reply the understanding and the use of technology involves the introduction of a new enabling factor for business processes, based on an in-depth knowledge of both the market and the specific industrial contexts of implementation;
Applications – Reply designs and develops application solutions aimed at meeting core business needs;
Technologies – Reply optimises the use of innovative technologies, creating solutions that are capable of guaranteeing maximum operational efficiency and flexibility for its clients.

Within the three areas Reply offers:

Consultancy – on strategy, communications, processes and technologies;
Systems Integration – to use the full potential of technology by combining business consulting services with innovative technical solutions and high levels of added value;
Application Management – the management, monitoring and continuous development of software assets.

Reply is listed on Borsa Italiana S.p.A. [MTA, STAR: REY].

