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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano

Largo Consumo

  • Via Bodoni 2 20155 | Milano | MI Phone/Mobile Number: 023271646 - Fax: 023271840
  • Giorgio Garosci


Largo Consumois a 40 years old monthly indipendent magazine, leader in describingthe economic and marketing relations among producing industry,distribution channels and related services.
Largo Consumoholds the leadership for number of certified readers according to theCSST (Certification of Specialised Publishing industry, in italianCertificazione Editoria Spcializzata e Tecnica), it is not a freepress and its web site www.largoconsumo.info, thanks to more than 1 million PDF files read per month, is probablyLargo Consumomanages all the branches of digital communication on the web:
-an exclusive and succesful social network on Linkedin, a highlyprofessional community of managers who are picked out for theirseniority in the world of consumer goods production, distribution andrelated services (community demographics: http://t.co/eoujbLpM);
-a Youtube channel to share video journalism and BusinessCommunication contents;
- email marketing and effectiveprofiling tools for online readers.

Largo Consumomanages 3 kind of events too:
- organisation of closed meetingfor managers to encourage reflection on common issues;
-organisation of lessons targeted on specific requests from thesponsors;
- event moderation for business events andconventions.
the most looked up in Italy for the economy and marketing of consumergoods.


Food, Non foodGrocery, Clothing, Shoes and Leather goods, Durable goods.