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Consorzio netcomm

18th e 19th May 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


  • Via Nervesa 21. Milano 20139 | Milano | MI Phone/Mobile Number: 02 574941 - Fax: /


Taboola is the leading content discovery platform, with over 700 million page views every month on unnetwork editorial that includes the Espresso Group's sites (including Repubblica.it, D Republic, Deejay, Mymovies); the sites of 18 Local newspapers of Finegil Editoriale Sp.A., MSN, Huffington Post, iLMeteo, Caffeina Magazine and other 40 vertical sites.

The growth of an available audience, using an owner technology, allows to head off
users that are interested on a brand/promotion and, at the same time, to know their behaviour.

Real-time optimization, day by day monitoring, brand safety and highest quality, allows an improvement in terms of ROI.

So Taboola becomes the first content marketing platform based on the achievement of performance.