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Consorzio netcomm

18 e 19 Maggio 2016

Mico - Gate 14 - via Gattamelata 5 - Milano


PSD2, Instant Payments e l’evoluzione attesa dei pagamenti online, in-store e P2P

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Due novità importanti sono alle porte: la PSD2 (che entrerà in vigore nel 2018) e la standardizzazione degli Instant Payments, che introdurranno i pagamenti real-time 24x7 tra conti correnti bancari, consentendo un’esperienza e dei casi d’uso nuovi nel P2P sia consumer-to-consumer che consumer-to-business. 
A questo si aggiungerà l’ingresso atteso anche nel mercato Italiano di players come Apple Pay, sia per pagamenti in-store che online.

Giorgio Andreoli

Managing Director, Accenture Digital

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Accenture Digital includes >23.000 professionals globally, designing and delivering a comprehensive portfolio of services encompassing customer experience design, digital marketing, mobility, analytics and social, to help business unleash the power of digital to drive growth.
At Accenture Digital, Giorgio is in charge of Mobile Financials Service and Digital Commerce for FS clients at European level, with multi-year experience on digital commerce, mobile wallet and innovative payments projects.
A frequent speaker at payments Industry events, Giorgio spent >20 years in the Internet and mobile services industry, holding executive positions in Digital Innovation, Sales & Marketing, Business Development, Project & Product management. 

Giorgio holds a bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering and a M.Sc. in Internet and ICT technologies.